Thursday, January 2, 2014

She turned her cant's into cans...


Thursday. by lovejamoore featuring white home decor

Good morning Beautifuls. I absolutely adore the saying featured in today's layout.

"She turned her cant's into cans & her dreams into plans."

I was scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard when I came across this saying and instantly fell in love. 

The words spoke to me and being that we have just entered a New Year, 2014 has so much to offer. 

This year I personally have so many goals that I want to accomplish. 

In a previous post I wrote about self reflection and creating realistic New Year Resolutions. 

Personally I don't have a New Years Resolution. I just have my Bucket List and trust me when I say that list will never end because I just keep adding to it. 

Whats the point in having a bucket list if you have checked off everything on the list?

There is an abundance of items on my list consisting of places I want to vacation, learning certain things and activities I'd love to try.

Knowing I have a lengthy list, why not write down everything and I mean EVERYTHING that you want to accomplish in your life on that list. Put that list on your bathroom mirror so your constantly reminding yourself of the things you haven't done yet.

Do not let money be a factor. Mentally tell yourself if I had all the money in the world.. What are the things I would invest my time into doing?

My dream is to become a Personal Stylist/ Fashion Photographer/Visual Merchandiser that is living in San Francisco. (I know the dream is quite specific but whats the point of having a dream if its not specific.)

Before you can accomplish your dreams make sure your in the mindset to fulfill it. 

A few summers ago I met a guy and he was a driven man that knew what he wanted out of life. He was quite admirable and had a heart for genuinely helping people.

Through many conversations with him I noticed I haven't really lived my life to the fullest so to speak.

He was notorious for saying things like "The word try isn't in my vocabulary" & "I never use the word can't." He pointed out that flaw in me. I didn't realize I said the word "can't" and "try" ALOT so I tried to not use it so much and actually DO.

It was quite hard at the beginning but now I'm better at it. I'm still practicing getting my brain out of the mindset of uses those words.

I didn't realize it but I was mentally setting myself up for failure before I even tried.

Now that I'm pressing the refresh button on my life I thought this was something I had to share.

We as human beings sometimes get in a negative mindset and become victims of self sabotage.

We start to believe that little voice in the back of our heads that tells us our insecurities and imperfections which makes it hard to believe we can actually accomplish our dreams.

So I challenge you to:

STOP using words like "try" and "can't!"
- STOP putting yourself down!
- STOP listening to that negative inner voice!

- START using words like "I will" & "I can!"
START doing what you love.
- START believing in yourself.

I believe in you. Everyone is capable of being better and doing better.

This years goals:

~ Become a Visual 
~ become a professional personal stylist
~ continue to build my sense of style 

Quote of the Day

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."
— Marilyn Monroe

Items from today's post can be viewed below. :)
Jersey dress
$41 -

ZiGiny high heel booties

Genuine leather purse
$1,045 -

Alexis Bittar deco earrings

White home decor

♥ Jamoore

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