Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Self Reflection of 2013

Hey lovelies,

As we approach this new year we should do some self reflection

Remember this time last year when you made a list of things you were going to change, new things you will like to try, places you want to visit and people you want to meet. 

Now that you remember your list did you even check anything off that list

If you were like me then you only got a few things checked off. That being said I'm quite proud of myself for the things I did accomplish. 

With this new year shortly approaching revise that list and add the little things you have always wanted to try.

Make this list fun so you get excited and actually want to finish it. 

Don't put unrealistic goals like "meet the president." ( Even though I am a firm believer if you put those thoughts out into the universe it will manifest.) 

Any who my list pretty much consist of things off my bucklet list

~ Becoming a Visual at my job

~ working as a personal shopper 
~ building my sense of style 

Are just a few things thats were added from last year that I wasn't able to achieve but I have high hopes for 2014. 

Lessons Learned...

  • Don't take people for granted and let your loved ones know how much you love them by showing it. 
    • Trust me I know its cliche but actions speak louder than words.
  • Change your thoughts and it will change your world. 
    • The moment you realize you have more control over a situation with the way you react to people and their commentary. Your mental state of mind will change.
  • You can dream and dream big but you need to also act. 
    • No one in this world will make your dreams happen for you. You have to be a dreamcatcher. Only you can make your dreams become reality.
  • Remember negative people are leeches draining your energy.
  • Every leech in your life is going to teach you something about yourself. 
    • Maybe you were praying for patience and through an experience you were forced to realize how to become more patient. But the moment you get your patience you better swiftly run away from that leech. 
  • Reevaluate your circle of friends.
Think about it this way.

Every person you meet is putting in an application to be a part of your life.

Analyze the people you let into your life and put them through a screening process. 

Ask questions. 

*Are they driven? Do they have aspirations in life? or are they couch potatoes?*

Decide whether the people you currently have in your life are helping or hurting you. 

YOU Determine who gets the job. (or loses it)

I read this quote in a Forbes article but wanted to share with you lovelies.

"..If you’re around someone with a cold, there’s a good chance you’ll catch the cold. What are you catching from the people around you? These relationships in your professional and personal life are as important to your job satisfaction as the work itself. Do everything in your power to surround yourself with the right people." (Forbes)   

Learn to Let Go.
Tyler Perry is a man of wise words. In the movie Madea Goes to Jail he says the most important lesson I've learned this past year. 

"If somebody wants to walk out of your life, let - them - go!

I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. When the wind blows, they're over there... wind blow that way they over here... they're unstable. When the seasons change they wither and die, they're gone. That's alright. Most people are like that, they're not there to do anything but take from the tree and give shade every now and then. That's all they can do. But don't get mad at people like that, that's who they are. That's all they were put on this earth to be. A leaf. 

Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with those branches too, cause they'll fool you. They'll make you think they're a good friend and they're real strong but the minute you step out there on them, they'll break and leave you high and dry.

But if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that's like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed. Those are the kind of people that aren't going nowhere. They aren't worried about being seen, nobody has to know that they know you, they don't have to know what they're doing for you but if those roots weren't there, that tree couldn't live.
A tree could have a hundred million branches but it only takes a few roots down at the bottom to make sure that tree gets everything it needs. When you get some roots, hold on to them but the rest of it... just let it go. Let folks go."

Well now that I'm done rattling on and on. I hope this inspires you to take a step back and reflect on all aspects of your life.

P.S. I am NOT telling you to break up with your best friend because she stole your dress. I'm saying YOU GOTTA WATCH your friends closely because your friend has a closet full of clothes and you only have 3 dresses.

Quote of the Day

"I’m human. 
If I didn’t make mistakes, 
I’d never learn. 
You can only go forward
 by making mistakes."
— Alexander McQueen

♥ Jamoore

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